JYC 2010 3rd December - Christmas Greetings
I am a crafter, cards and scrapbooks and other bits in between. So I do feel that for birthdays and Christmas I should be making cards to send. In 2008, when I was just starting out, I made a few designs and loads of them. Last year, I went in for card making massively, starting loads of designs, complicated ones that needed the Robo, and covering the dining room table with all my stash. I had so many, that in January of this year, my first crafting project was to finish off as many as I could manage before my Christmas Spirit ran dry. So this year, I had a lovely stash already made, some that needed small finishing touches, but not a lot of work for me at a period when time is restricted.
Most of them are now written. I dug out a pen and sat for 2 hours, writing standard greetings and a fair few notes. We have had another big year for weddings, and the first big year for babies so there are lots of wishes for lovely first christmas's, either as a married couple or as parents. This year included a family wedding, so there are lots notes to say, "glad to see you at the wedding, it was lovely, hope to see you soon" A few notes to distant friends to tell the news of the year, "busy year, but we've finally brought our own house" and lots and lots and lots of love, winging its way across the county.
I do like to write the Christmas cards. It allows me small periods of time to think about the people that I am writing to, if I have had much opportunity to think of them during the year. Either wishes that I had seen them more, or remembering the wonderful times that we have spent during the year.
Of course amidst all this whimsey, there is a very organised system. A spreadsheet with everyones address exists, as a throwback from the wedding three years ago. This year I have added a column so that I know which design everyone had so can differ for the following year. There will be a flurry of facebook and text messages enquiring about address changes, which will last me for a whole year of birthdays too.
So that chore is mostly done for another year. An hour spent adding addresses sometime this week, a large purchase of stamps and my little beauties will be flying across to their intended, spreading our love and best wishes for another year.
Love Elliefantasy xx
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