Because a) I believe that I can do everything and b) this is such a Christmas of firsts for me that I want tto get things down. They are a lot of little firsts, but worth documenting all the same.
This whole daily journalling/extra and self-inflicted task issue raised itself again today when I realised with foreboding and horror that it was my responsibility to run our company Christmas Raffle. I could have gotten out of it this year, claiming that I didn't have enough time with the commitments that I already had. But I love our Christmas Raffle and so put forth the extra effort during and after work and now its all sorted and will run itself for a couple of weeks.
And for those that wondered, here is a hipstamatic picture taken 5 minutes ago, with my elephant who stars on my blog and as my avatar and who is patiently waiting for me to get the decorations up so that she can get into her elf costume.
Happy December 1st, I'm off to start the advent calendar!
Love Elliefantasy (& Elephant) xxx
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