So, not so neat and tidy this week I'm afraid. I'd first like to mention the addition of the shelf on the wall. Not strictly workdesk but it was the first piece of proper DIY done in the new house and my poor OH got a blister for his troubles. I would like to point out though that it is perfectly stable and level so well done him! The large green sheets on the keyboard are the marriage certificates for my great-grandad and great-aunt and I have sucessfully tracked gt gdad on the 1911 census after months of searching! The orange cards are my version of this tag book (yes, I know, its ANOTHER mini book, but I like them!) and its destined to hold pics of last years trip to Eurodisney and will be despatched to my disney partner-in-crime. The yellow 12x12 sheet and the bits on top are the starting of the "Wooden Boat" layout. I was very happy as I managed to print onto some vellum style paper without ripping it or my printer to shreds. So that layout should appear some time at the end of the weekend, as well as a wedding card, a 21st Birthday card and possibly a tarted up family tree.
Enjoy your WOYWW, I shall be soon, armed with a cup o' tea, to have a good look!
Love Elliefantasy
You have been busy and sound like your going to be busy for a while to come. The shelf is a great addition, the blister was worth it LOL. Have a good evening, Tracy x
Lovely creative space I am loving how we all have our computer/laptops so close to us.
Thanks for sharing
Great desk pics hun :0)
*hugs* Heather x
Love your desk and the shelf is great. I love making mini books too so I look forward to seeing it finished! Tracey x
So glad you linked up ... we would have missed you :0)
love your crative area thanks for sharing - lv Liz
Love the orange mini book idea. I love mini books too and orange so I know your project will be stellar. Great desk photos
oho yes loely all that I see, some great bits of crafting going on!Have a Happy WOYWW!!
Great Pics! you have a lovely space. Joey.x
busy desk busy person thanks for sharing!
hugs judex
lovely creative desk, luv the yellow & orange card in the waiting, have great day, sue,x
Well done hubby for his wounds and getting the shelf put up perfectly :) Now you just need to tell him you have 6 more to go up. Ahahahaha!
That looks like a busy crafting space :-)
A x
Husbands and shelves *sighs* but we can't live without them, he he.
Love that you can have the computer near by.
Great workspace, and a very busy one by the sounds of your post. Have fun with your mini book.
Congrats on your searching - brill to see you doing geneology as well as creating.
Great job, OH! But what does OH mean? I love looking at busy desks! Patsy from
Love your space and well done hubby on getting a shelf to stay up - like Carmen said, just another half dozen to go lol x
Sam x
Yay for your husband to put an extra shelf up for you. Strange that we can't do it ourselves hm? :)
Sounds you're going to be even more creative in the next few days!
Have a nice day
** Evi **
Well you have been a busy bee...I did think for a moment why have you got 2 computer screens......I'm thinking could one be a tv!!
ooh you're busy! and congrats to himself..I wouldn't know where to start. I wonder if it's a gender tendency this DIY thing! That orange mini book looks fab already, I do love a cheerful colour.
Some interesting stuff here. Thanks for the snoop!
Some fab stash to snoop this week.
Thanks for sharing it.
A x
Mini books are great things. Thanks for giving us a peek at your space.
Nice to see your space, it's great !
Well done with your ancestry tracking. You look creative too.
Luv Joanne xx
Lovely new shelf addition. Your OH is really creative, blister and all. Nice that you were able to track down those records. Hope you had a really great WOYWW. SOrry I'm so late getting here this week.
Thanks for the late peek! lots going on in your creative life!
Everybody needs a shelf, tell your OH he's a star!
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