Just a quick one tonight, to show off my page template for Learn Something New, Shimelle's new class that starts tomorrow. Been sweating over it all weekend, as I want it to try and reflect my schoolday self a little. Tried loads of different directions, but I think i've got it cracked now.
No cover yet, but I have a clear idea in my mind and a month in which to do it. For those that might be slightly confused, the two doodles along the left and bottom are my favourite 2 doodles. The bottom one was a challenge that I remember, in that you have to create that shape without going over a line, or lifting your pen. There are several ways of doing it, and it can be done at any time, on the phone, in the shower etc etc etc.
Handwriting was done using a mouse and my right hand (i'm a leftie!) so I'm quite pleased with it. Not sure what the class is going to entail so a nice big space is really useful. And that's about it.
If you want to join in, its here on Shimelle's site. I loved her Blogging for Scrapbookers, and this one looks just as good. And i'm doing it with Mum so I already have 1 buddy to swop ideas with. I'm planning to play along and do my blog posts so you might get a bit unindated, please bear with me.
Love Elliefantasy xxx
31 Aug 2010
25 Aug 2010
Hello WOYWW People. I would like to present to you a desk that has a finished item on it! And, more of a shock, its a full sized layout!
Taking a general view, the piece of funky paper on the very left is designated as the backing for the picture of me, and his Royal Highness, Sir Winnie of Pooh. I've cut the edges from a piece of matching blue card (somewhere in the pile underneath) but haven't managed any more. Layout is in the nice clear space of desk in front of the keyboard. I finished the brackets from last week, with the help of some more glossy accents and some little iridescent flower embellishments that I found. Not good for the posture and I have glossy accented fingernails, but the overall effect c'est tres manifique!
The green things that look like toilet rolls are in fact......toilet rolls covered in green printed paper from a digi kit, to be turned into pen pots. They were supposed to be all finished now, but my printer decided to run out of ink, so I need to get that filled up. I really need to get more stuff off my desk so that I can spread bits out that are halfway through and need to dry. They currently occupy the roof of the unfinished dolls house that sits behind me.
So that's WOYWW. Why not head over to Julia's to see what's about on everyone elses desk. Always heaps of fun.
Lots of Love, Elliefantasy xx
19 Aug 2010
WOYWW (better late than never)
This pic is of my workdesk, lovely and messy as normal. I have a half finished page for my nephew, the craft robo is sat in pride of place and I have the remnants of the packet of Planets that we got at the cinema on Friday. So far I have been able to keep OH from nicking my share, as he wolfed his down in one sitting. For those who saw Monday's post about the wonders of Glossy Accents, the stuff on the craft mat is the work in progress. I'm happy with the letters, and the flowers are to have little pink flowers put in the middle. Its the big brackets that are causing me inspriation issues.
And the other pictures are the finished tag book (hooray!) for those who wanted to see it finished. I haven't put any embellishments on the pages as I just didn't have anything suitable. So when I get to Tesco's tomorrow I am going to grab myself a few proper writing pens and write some little comments by the pictures to make up for it. I'm very very happy about how its turned out, and will be making another one very very soon. I just love the way that the book opens up like a cracker and then folds up so neatly. And for colours that were really only picked at random, they work together so well with the theme and the pictures.
Very excited to give it to its intended this weekend over a Jamie Oliver curry, all to preceed a work planned (well I planned it for work) day at the seaside (weather permitting). I have arranged a Photo scavenger hunt (well, I'm going to do one, that is tonights job!) for the kids and "not so little" kids so we'll see if we can get another minibook out of that. And at the start of September I shall be starting Shimelle's latest class. Maybe I'll even see you there?
Hope you had a Wonderful Wednesday. Hop and skip to Julia's to see what everyone else got up to this week.
Love Elliefantasy xx
16 Aug 2010
I love Glossy Accents!
I love the way that it just makes everything lovely and shiny, just like glossy bubble stickers! And I love that you can also use it as a glue and cover it in glitter!
Having spent a very large amount of my week at work, and postponed plans for the weekend so that we could both relax, I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to do some scrapping. I finished off the Wooden Boat page (see below), had a go at a page to contain a couple of pics of my mum & I, and then stopped into Shimelle's a couple of times to see what was about. I decided have a go at a couple of her ideas, but not to worry about linking up, getting some inspiration, without the pressure of making things super pefect.
But once again when I sat down I found that I just didn't have quite the right bits to get the look I wanted to achieve, mainly with my titles. I like alphabet stickers (though please don't get me started about rub-ons
, they just don't work for me) but didn't have quite the right ones for the titles I wanted to do. But thankfully, my wonderful mother had posted up my new Craft Robo bits, so I decided to dust it off and have a go. My first attempt is still a work in progress as i'm still waiting for some inspiration, but tonights attempt is all finished and waiting to dry.
The font is IFC INSANE RODEO from dafont, cut from bog basic white card. I went round the outline with the fine line end of my whispers pens (and yes I did stick out my tongue whilst trying to concentrate!) and then filled in the outlined bit with the Glossy Accents that I had found whilst having another bash at sorting out. And it looks really quite good, much much better than just plain white text. I was worried that I would waste quite a lot with such a heavy use, but I've barely even reached a fifth of the bottle! So be prepared for a whole lot more glossyness in the future.
And as promised, here is Wooden Boat finished. I have learnt to start embracing the "white" space.
Love Elliefantasy xxx
Having spent a very large amount of my week at work, and postponed plans for the weekend so that we could both relax, I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to do some scrapping. I finished off the Wooden Boat page (see below), had a go at a page to contain a couple of pics of my mum & I, and then stopped into Shimelle's a couple of times to see what was about. I decided have a go at a couple of her ideas, but not to worry about linking up, getting some inspiration, without the pressure of making things super pefect.
But once again when I sat down I found that I just didn't have quite the right bits to get the look I wanted to achieve, mainly with my titles. I like alphabet stickers (though please don't get me started about rub-ons
The font is IFC INSANE RODEO from dafont, cut from bog basic white card. I went round the outline with the fine line end of my whispers pens (and yes I did stick out my tongue whilst trying to concentrate!) and then filled in the outlined bit with the Glossy Accents that I had found whilst having another bash at sorting out. And it looks really quite good, much much better than just plain white text. I was worried that I would waste quite a lot with such a heavy use, but I've barely even reached a fifth of the bottle! So be prepared for a whole lot more glossyness in the future.
Love Elliefantasy xxx
scrapbooking for me
11 Aug 2010
Hello to all! Two apologies to make this week. First, sorry to all those who popped on last week to find that I had posted the week before's desk, it wont happen again. And also, so sorry to be repetitive for the third week running with the mini-book, but aside from Thursday I really haven't had any time for any crafting in the last week. This was mainly due to a family wedding and then feeling really rather pants for the last few days. But today all is well, and its amazing the rallying feeling that you can get from WOYWW.
So, onto the desk, which you can see top. Yes its messy, and yes I still haven't finished the mini-book! But at the request of several lovely people, here is the work-in-progress. I thought that I had printed enough pictures and I mounted them all up and stuck them down. But when I put them in the book, it turns out that you really do need 4 pictures per page, so I have had to print off some more. That is the small pile of pics at the front towards the right (by the camera case) And for those that said well done for scrapping and watching tv, well it turns out that I can't. Several times I put tape on the wrong bit whilst getting caught up with watching the Iplayer. This is one mini book where you really do need to pay attention!
The pile of pics at the left side of the keyboard are ones that I need to scrap and have printed so that I don't leave big blank spaces when printing on photo paper. I don't like leaving big white spaces, they annoy me. Hopefully they might make the transition onto a layout this weekend and get posted up Monday. The belt buckle is one that I cut off a very old belt. I am intending to use it as a posh fastener for a cream album I got the other week. But that might not happen for ages yet.
Second pic is of the 12x12 trays that I brought for Mum and I from Storage4Crafts. They are really good, and give the room a slightly more professionally organised look, though nothing that can compete with the rest of the mess.
So there we are. If you have enjoyed this little stroll about my desk, why not head over to Julia's to see her's and everyone elses.
Love Elliefantasy xx
4 Aug 2010
So, what's on my desk. Well, I have made some progress on the tag mini-book. The pages are all stuck together and the holes are punched. The pictures at the front are those that I have chosen to go in, and are mounted on the cut off card so they all co-ordinate. The white piece of paper nect to them has a few stamped tiggers on them, waiting to be coloured in. The yellow piece of card next to the book has stamped letters, mounted on with tacky glue, waiting to be cut and stuck on the front with the picture next to it.
And all the rest is mess, glorious glorious mess! The white box in front of the monitor is Poirot Series 1 box-set. I find that crafting allows me to catch up on my tv and helps me to find the time to wade through a very large backlog of dvd box sets. And for those that have asked, I do have 2 monitors, mainly because my OH brought himself a very large one and asked if I wanted his old one, which I was allowed as well as the one I already had! It is very handy for digi-crafting as you can have your photo/picture software open on one screen and your folder containing all your bits and pieces on another. Or you can play a dvd. Or whatever. I am, needless to say, a very lucky girl!
Off to hop about your desks now, as well as working on the mini book and cooking tea. And for those who are very lovely and very helpful, I put up a plea for help on yesterday's post. If you get time, please can you put in your 2 peneth worth of advice.
Thanking muchly
Love Elliefantasy
3 Aug 2010
Stuff and Fluff
What I did manage to acheive over the weekend (aside from getting rid of most of the moving boxes!!!) was making 2 wedding cards and a 21st Birthday card. 1st card attempt took a long while until I got something I was sort of pleased with. But then took down to OH, who objected to the quality of the printed sentiment.
21st Birthday card was easy but that's because I was using Craftwork Cards Everyday Chocolate goody bag that I got at Stamperama Feb 2009.
The other very useful thing I managed to do at the weekend was order my new paper trays from Storage 4 Crafts, as they were very considerate in having a 15% discount event all weekend! So I have 10 trays coming for me and 10 coming for Mum, to be swopped with the craft robo consumables that she ordered for me. So soon both of our craft spaces will be clean and tidy (well Mum's might; mine, with all certainty, will not) and we will be crafting away to the din of the Robo. Happy Days!
Will see you all tomorrow for WOYWW, or in my case, How Much of a Mess Have You Made Wednesday!
Love Elliefantasy xx
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