Hello again WOYWW'ers! Sorry for the long absence, I've just been inundated with work nonsense so haven't been able to play. But I'm off work this week, having a well deserved holiday (well I think it's well deserved!) If you want to see what this is all about, then hop over to Julia's place where it all started, and have a look at the lovely desks on show.
I know its a bit of a mess, which is explained below, but there are some cards on the front, all made up last night using a Craftwork Cards kit that I got a Stamperama in Stevenage in Feb, and haven't been able to work out until now. The picture frame by the right-hand monitor is from Ikea, just right for making myself a desk calendar for work for next year. And yes, for those that make the picture bigger, there are some screws on my desk, again to be explained below.

So, what have I been doing to make so much mess? Well I've been spending some of my limited time making plans for some improvements to the craft room, which includes an Expedit!! Thanks should go to Ikea, who very generously decided to lower the price of the units just in time. We poodled off on Monday to pick up the shelves, a couple of cupboard inserts and some boxes to go with some that I already had, but can't remember where they came from. OH suffered himself to help me put them together and Tuesday they were put up, along with the leftover CD rack above the desk, which now holds the handmade storage boxes previously mentioned. I must apologise for the slightly wonky picture, but the unit that holds the paper and dolls house is opposite the Expedit and so I don't have a lot of room to get the unit in frame. But its here, and its mine and its so organised! (for those interested, the silver boxes are the pre-owned ones)
However, this is a picture of all the bits behind it which still don't have a home, and the offending unit which blocks pictures of the new toy. No matter how many times I try to organise, there are still bits and pieces that can't be classified and don't have a proper home. So they must live on the floor until I can think of a place, or use them.
Enjoy your Wednesday, I'm going to have a proper wallow around everyone's desk whilst spending a whole day of crafty goodness! Hooray for holidays!!!
Love Elliefantasy xxx
Things for me have been exceptionally busy at the moment. Work is just about manageable but at the expense of having much of an evening, and this weekend has been completely absorbed by the wedding of two very close friends. Every time I get close to doing something crafty there seems to be a distraction. WOYWW has been missed twice and I have even had to put a mini-pause on Learn Something New as my e-mail has decided to play up as well.
But I only have 1 more week to go before OH and I get some well earned time at home. I have a few projects in mind, some new, some that need to be finished off. I am hoping that I can get to the last remaining things to be done to the craft room. Ikea have just reduced the small Expedite Units, and after a think and ponder over the merits of Ikea vs Argos furniture, I have decided to go for Ikea and Expedite. I only need a 4x2 unit (or 2 2x2) and some baskets to go with and on top, and the cost and quality just outbeats Argos every time.
The Wall Planner frame has now been purchased, and all it needs is for the months to be printed, and the little flaggies to be made for the birthdays and anniversaries that need remembering. The self made storage is ready for the CD rack to go up. The CD rack is not yet ready as we need to drill at least 2 more holes to make sure that it doesn't fall down on top of my monitors. And I have to make a decision about the feature wall.
So hopefully at the end of the month there should be a lot of posts about crafty stuff and crafty space. Apologies to all who might have popped in only to be bored with the same images. Normal Service will be resumed soon I promise!
Sorry everyone but we're having a bit of a cheating post today. This week has been so so mental at work that I've not had time to keep up with life outside of it. I didn't even have time to WOYWW this week :( But I did manage to catch up with LSNED last night and this evening, so here are my posts. This should roughly keep you up to date with what I've been doing and I'm hoping that I can dig myself out of this hole during the weekend to do some proper posts and some layouts.
Love Elliefantasy
Here are the posts for 2nd & 3rd of September. Sorry for quickie post today but relatives are all about to descend. Been up since 7 (why can't I do that in the week when I need to??) and all tidied by 9am. So I've had 2 and a bit hours to catch up with Shimelle whilst sneaking peeks out of my window to see if they have arrived (even though I knew it wouldn't have been them, another lesson there I think!)
Full pic-a-nic report tomorrow, and hopefully i'll be able to get some nice photos as well.
Love Elliefantasy xxx
Ok, so here is post 1 for LSN 2010. All done digitally and all my own work (though I did pinch the paperclip from a google image search)
Still not sure on the format, especially when I've seen everyone elses lovely paper albums but I just don't have time to do a paper one, and I needed to get started with something. The bonus with digital is that if I decide I don't like it, I haven't wasted a scrap in the process.
The story behind the lesson, or should it be a reminder, is that my mum & stepdad are coming for a visit this weekend. I had invited stepsisters, step bruv-in-law and supercute nephew, but as it was a bit last minute I didn't expect that they'd be able to come. But I got a phone call last night from mother to say that big sis is coming with nephew!! Hooray!!! I am very excited as its going to be the longest period of time that I've seen him. (Its also good practice for the OH, as I'm slowly starting to brainwash him into the merits of a little addition!) So its a good reminder for me that sometimes the things I wish for do come true. Fingers crossed for the lottery this w/e!!
Love Elliefantasy xx
Good morning WOYWW's. How goes it today? Very glad to be able to join this week, after my aquazorbing exploits at the weekend (Layouts to follow) I've gone for a left desk shot this week to add a bit of variety (and because the only thing on the normal space was a half eaten cookie)
So what's about. Well at the back you can see my trusty clip it up, where I store most of my embellishments, peel-offs, alphabets and a few other odds and sods. And the green box in front where the scissors are peeking from is the work of most of Sunday afternoon and a bit of Monday. The tubes are 4 of the toilet rolls that were on the desk last week, covered with paper picked from a digi kit.
The box to hold them in, and the 4 boxes currently sitting on the shelf above the desk (second pic) are all made from a quick sketch and a net I made from 1 sheet of 12x12 white cardstock, covered in the same paper, though it only covers the front and not the sides. I was intending to make a carrier for them myself from an innocent and unsuspecting cardboard box, but then I remembered the CD racks that the previous owners had left us (so kind) and measured them up just in case. Thanks to some flukey measuring, 2 of my boxes fit in one section of the cd rack. So I can have that put up under the shelf that carries the blank cards/craft robo/xyron, so long as its going to be secure and wont fall off and smash my monitors.
So I have some custom made storage, and the best part is it's FREE!!! Even OH was happy with that (though not chuffed that the shelf fixing hasn't yet stopped) There are still 2 free sections of the rack, which I am hoping will hold my jars of eyelets and brads as they are currently by the windowsill, which is not useful at all.
Hope you enjoyed this stop on the tour of desks across the world. If you want to see more, stop off here and have a nosy with Julia and the rest. I will will will will try and get to everyone over the week and leave more comments that I have managed in the past. There are just so many lovely desks belonging to lovely ppl that its quite a thing to get about. But here's hoping for another try.
Love Elliefantasy.