I had forgotten the fun that I have in planning decorating schemes; thinking of the perfect idea, discarding elements, going off on tangents and then coming back to my original ideas with only slight changes. This room is a challenge as I want it to be a working room and a resting room, and it also will have to do double duty as a guest room from time to time. All of the big furniture pieces are sorted, aside from 1 item, it is only left for me to decide on the

Item 1 - Vintage style clock
I love, love, love this style of clock. So I have used it as the starting point from which my design should spring. I really want to go for a classic and vintage look. Something that is slightly more sophisticated than other rooms that I have designed and decorated. I am taking the colour scheme from this clock as well, so the walls will be a very nice, very light beige/buttermilk colour. This should keep it light enough for workig and provide a suitable blank canvas for me to hang some of my layouts on to.
Item 2 - Gliding Rocking Chair
This is the only major piece of furniture to obtain, and I am fairly hopeful of getting it for free!! I was intending to have a futon, but after some consideration, the futon was too expensive for a piece for furniture which will would have to be removed should I ever hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet. However the gliding rocker would be an ideal piece of furniture for a prospective nursery. The one I have got my beady little eye on is currently a shade of pale green, and I think is in dire need of recovering. So it will be transforming into a cream chair, either by a careful re-cover or the cunning use of throws and blankets. The reason for the chair is that aside from wanting somewhere nicer to sit than my office chair, I have promised that come the move, my favourite cuddly toys will be removed from the bedroom.
Item 3 - Hatstand
I, like some of you perhaps, have one of those little doll type things which have many hooks to hold necklaces and bracelets. I was looking at this the other day and decided that a larger version would be ideal to store my belts, scarves, hats and bags. And of course the larger version is a hatstand. I have found this really lovely one which ties in perfectly with my "vintage" look and now have only to save my pennies.
Item 4 - Notice Board/Date Planner
I like notice boards. They are fun and convenient, and if you are in a particularly bad mood, a very quick form of voodoo. I currently have a small cork one which hangs above my desk. It is perfectly serviceable, but dull in the extreme. Whilst delving in my dim and distant memory I came across the idea of a padded fabric covered one, a relic of either Changing Rooms, House Doctor or some other quality home decor show of the late 90's/early 00's. So that is what I intend to have, a very big, padded notice board with ribbon strips and all my bits and pieces pinned up with very large dress pins. And a matching date planner so I can clearly see whose birthday/wedding/anniversary it is and hopefully make a card in time!
Item 5 - Wall Art/Layouts
Whilst at the Big Scrapbooking and Stamping show at Ally Pally this year I picked up some jigsaw pieces from Capture the Magic, which I intend to transform into some wall art with pictures of my and my 3 closest female friends. I also intend to do some purpose designed wall mountable layouts rather than just sticking up random pictures, which should allow me to experiement with scrapbooking at different sizes rather that sticking rigidly to 12x12 or 8x8. There should be more to follow on these projects once moving day has been and gone.
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