I have managed within the last two weeks to do a fair bit of scrapbooking. The ideas are there, and they are taking shape fairly easily on the page. Sometimes they are inspired by the photo, or sometimes by the paper, but they do seem to fit together neatly, and I can find more things to either use, or adapt to bring the page to life. (Alphabets are the main culprit here. I never ever ever seem to have the right one at the right moment with the right letters.)
I recently brought a stack of lovely girly papers (and here I must apologise because I have split the paper and have thrown away the cover sheet.) The main thing that attracted me to the stack was the first sheet which was a pattern of shoes and handbags. Perfect for a layout that I was intending to do as an offshoot of this post, done whilst doing Blogging for Scrapbookers.
But when I eventually came to do the page, events conspired against my using that pattern as a bright and cheery background. For starters, the shoes and the paper did not really match. And I had carefully made a pattern on Paint Shop to tie in with the colour of the shoes, which was then run through the Robo to get the title and some backing shapes. So now nothing matched with the shoe paper.
But then I turned over the sheet to have a look at the other design. All the papers have a bright cheery pattern on one side and a lovely plain wash on the other. And the lovely plain wash was just a perfect complement to the pattern of the shoes, and the slightly darker pattern that I had been able to achieve. So I did what any self respecting scrapbooker would do and just carried on regardless! The lack of use of the shoe paper did cause me a bit of a pang until I remembered that I had 4 sheets of that paper in the pack, so I cut out a small bordering section on another sheet and stuck it to the layout. And it matched perfectly. The picture at the top is the layout. This picture here, is of the patterned paper, just to prove that really I did the right thing by turning it over.
Love Elliefantasy xx
Hello, hello. And how are we all this fine Wednesday. Its definately turning to Autumn now, just perfect for days in scrapping and stamping. As always, this is part of the mass blog hop over at Julia's so whizz over when you are done here.
Thanks to all who commented last week. I did get to all of you, (although some might have been last night) and a few others. I always start off with such good intentions and then life just gets in the way. For those who I have already commented upon today and not left a number, I apologise, but I haven't got the hang of getting a desk ready on Tuesday, ready for the morning. Plus I'm working full time so don't get time to log on in the morning to link up.
Right, excuses are done, and they are all I need to offer. Desk is looking quite tidy today, and there is a nice big pile of pages in the middle, which is the product of the weekend. A couple of them will get featured later this week in the normal blog posts. The blue one in the second layer is one of my mum and me on our wedding days, and is only missing a title. Suggestions are welcome. I haven't taken a pic of the wall art featured last week, its now going to get its own post. I need to get some ribbon to finish it off, but I've been forbidden to go shopping for a little while. So it must sit on the top of the Expedit until I can scrounge some, or get through the shopping ban. I also managed to get the Robo out this weekend, and made some brackety squares, though I did have to take the settings off of auto for the first time to get them cut right.
The pic of Mr Powers to the left of the left screen is my new Mojo board. The plan is for me to write up all my ideas when I am overflowing with them, to pick at when the mojo goes on holiday. Also, a couple of ppl mentioned my "drink of choice" (as Monkey would say) Yes it is coke, but there isn't ever Rum in it. I do tend to run on the stuff (coke, not Rum) What you didn't see last week was the small helping of Dairy Milk. Mainly because it had already been eaten! For those that are interested, I was watching Gavin and Stacey whilst scrapping last weekend. This week I have moved on to Ally McBeal. I have 5 series waiting, 4 still in the celephane!
Happy WOYWW to all, I need to go as I have 2 hours to get the shopping ordered or I'll lose my slot. See you at your place!
Love Elliefantasy
Well Hello There! This blog seems to be a bit of a WOYWW only zone at the moment but I will try to mix it up a bit, maybe with some non-crafty bits. Had a bit of a change and update, hope you all like it. For those that are interested in the the WOYWW game, then head on over here to Julia's place when you are done here.
So, what do we have? Well I didn't get as much crafty stuff done as I thought last week, though I got a few new bits started and a few ideas in place. The pile of trays in the bottom left hand corner is for an attempt at the wonderful Wall Art, shown at Scrappy Sticky Inky Mess. The piece of paper on the keyboard is my sketch for the storage that was shown off last week, and I intend to make a page from it in due course.
The stamps in the very bottom right corner are some Maya Road journalling stamps, and some clock stamps that I picked up at Ally Pally in April. They are sitting on top of a chipboard cover, which sits on top of all my uni photographs. There are not many as I was only there for 6 months, and I'm trying to see how easy it is to scrap about things or times that are difficult, as opposed to all the fun things that normally get scrapped.
All the other bits are preparations for the Winter Holiday. There are some stamped Santa's in the middle with an attempt on distressing, though it was done with some cheapy ink pads that came from Hobbycraft. I like the technique, but I think I might need some of the proper bits to do it. The white envelope is actually a net that I am making, and one that finally worked. The proper net is ready as a jpg, just waiting for me to find some nice patterend A4 paper and the time and money to go to the copy shop and then get cutting.
Thanks to all who made lovely comments. I didn't get around everyone again, and think I might have to manage with the reciprical hopping just for the moment. Also thanks to those who commented on the dolls house. It is (like most things) a work in progress, a present that was brought when I first moved in with OH, and has moved 4 times with us despite his best attempts to have it sent to the dump. Aside from some help with screwing the roof on, it was built by my fair hands only. I would like it finished soon so that I can start to furnish it as a Victorian cake shop/restaurant.
Bit of a waffley post today, I think I might need a more descriptive badge. Hoping that you all have a happy Wednesday, and I'll see where we get to this week.
Love Elliefantasy xxx